Still Finding Peace

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Still Finding Peace

Abby Hubbard


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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Wild & Free - Part 4

My Latest Blog
“Wild & Free”
 Part 4
By Abby Hubbard

Vader was focused on the hope of freedom. Sarah was focused on the fear of freedom. Posey was just too tired to care either way.

In my mind, I see the garage door as representing all of our chains and our fears.  Everything that is blocking us from Freedom in Christ. As we hand over the control to God, it allows Him to open the door and begin to shine the light in our darkness and start the process of setting us free.

Why do I feel that freedom is the word for G.L.O.W. this year?  The meaning of G.L.O.W. is God Loving Obeying Women.  The only way to totally be that is to have and continually be experiencing and seeking freedom in our everyday lives. And not just any type of freedom, but freedom in Christ.  When you walk in freedom in Christ, you will be loving, obeying women. We need to be women who leave our chains behind and run after Christ! We need to see the chance for freedom and not look at it with laziness or fear, but look at it with hope.  When we pause in fear or come to a screeching halt in laziness, we are not obeying God and we will not experience freedom.

Ladies in our church, in our services need to see our freedom.  Our family needs to see our freedom.  They need to see our freedom in Christ as we worship. They need to see our freedom in Christ as we pray. They need to see our freedom in Christ as we serve.

But most of all they need to see our freedom in christ as we step out into the unknown and RUN after Him. Whatever that looks like. Ladies, Sometimes, you don't know you need something, you don't know your missing something, until you see someone else with it!  It's time for GLOW to take it to the next level. It's time to show the ladies what they need and what they are missing. FREEDOM IN CHRIST.

We can’t break our own chains to obtain freedom.  We don’t hold the key and we don’t own a chain breaker strong enough to continually keeps us free. So how do we obtain this freedom?

“Come to me, I’ll break your chains, whatever they are ~ Jesus”

We carry around things “chains”, known and sometimes unknown.  And when we are carrying them freedom cannot be obtained.  We need to hand them over. We have to be obedient in Christ taking one step at a time.  And when we do this, I can tell you for sure that areas of your life you felt you could never be free from, chains in your life that you felt would never break become unchained in Gods glorious power.

As I have been stepping forward in faith and leaving fear behind, I am beginning to feel freedom.  Freedom in areas that I didn't even know I needed set free from, until God showed me.  And when He showed me and set me free from it, I cant even begin to describe how I felt.  In that moment I felt complete resurrection power, new life.  I felt like skipping & jumping and shouting “Look What God Has Done.”

This is a hard question, but I feel I need to ask it. Ladies, which one are you? What chain/fear does the garage door represent to you? God wants us to have Freedom in Him!  He doesn’t want us to stay behind frozen in fear or to stay behind because we are just too tired to even care! He wants us to go after Him! He desires us to hold nothing back when it comes to freedom in Him! God wants us to have hope in our freedom, not fear! When we step forward in freedom with Christ, we aren’t alone.  Just like Vaders owner was with him the whole time, always in eye and ear shot, Christ is with us! Ladies, it's time for us to leave our chains behind and run forward in the freedom of christ.

Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let him fill you with excitement as you serve him.
Romans 12:11

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.
Luke 4:18-19 TPT

Music For You:
* Freedom by Jesus Culture (Kim Walker Smith)

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