“Life Giving Strength”
“God’s glory is all around me! His wrap-around presence is all I need, for the Lord is my Savior, my hero, and my life-giving strength.”
Psalms 62:7 TPT
For our 19th anniversary, my husband and I decided to spend the weekend in Columbus. I had heard how neat Germantown was and I wanted one of Schmidt’s Restaurants famous cream puffs. So, we decided to go to Germantown for a day. My husband is a very picky eater and was not very enthusiastic about eating German food. He had every intention of ordering a plain hamburger, but at the last minute he decided to be a good sport and he ordered the buffet.
When he came back from the buffet, all I could do was laugh. He had gone up to the buffet, found items that he might be able to eat, then he proceeded to take his plate to the salad bar section and he covered up every questionable food choice with bacon, mainly the vegetables! And when I say cover, I mean cover! You could almost see the vegetables underneath. I guess he figured that everything was better with bacon!
If my husband would have just sprinkled the bacon on top of his food, I probably wouldn't have noticed. It would have looked like it belonged. But instead he dumped the bacon on top and their was no question that it was added! You could no longer identify the undesirable vegetables under the bacon.
As the days have passed since then, this image kept coming back to my mind. Then, today, God started to show me something.
What God showed me was this:
I don't know about you, but when I’m not in God’s presence, when I'm not in His word, I tend to not be very desirable to be around. Everything about me starts to change. My behavior, my attitude, my confidence, my wisdom, they all begin to weaken. I start to lose His strength, His presence, His power.
Apart from God, all I have is my undesirable self. But when I keep myself in the presence of God, everything that is undesirable in me is covered by God, His strength and His presence! Please hear this! We need Gods presence not just sprinkled on us, but Gods presence dumped on us! When people look at us they should no longer be able to see us. They should only be able to identify what is covering us. We should be so saturated in God’s presence that when people look at us they no longer see what is undesirable.
Ladies, everything is better when God’s presence is all over it! Recently I was reminded of something. I was reminded that we are only as strong as Gods presence in us. Let us be sure that God’s presence and His strength are so strong in us that when people look at us, that is all they see!
Music For You:
- Show me Your Glory by Jesus Culture
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