Still Finding Peace

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Still Finding Peace

Abby Hubbard


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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Rediscover You!

Rediscover You!

Yet through his powerful declaration of acquittal, God freely gives away his righteousness. His gift of love and favor now cascades over us, all because Jesus, the Anointed One, has liberated us from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin!
Romans 3:24 TPT

Spring is a beautiful time of year. You walk around your yard or garden and you see all the flowers coming back up from last year, you see the buds on trees opening and flowering beautifully. You walk around in awe and wonder of God’s creations and beauty.

Sometimes as you walk around in expectation, you see areas in which a plant that had bloomed in previous years didn't bloom again this year. You just see the lingering dead debris where the plant used to be. You wonder what happened, why isn’t it blooming again this year? Every time you walk by it your reminded because there is a bare, empty spot instead of a beautiful plant.

Our days can be like this. We go through our days, so many good, beautiful things happening, and blooming in our lives. But we come upon a “bare, empty spot” and we no longer notice the beautiful things.
We tend to become fixed on that “bare, empty spot” and only remember what’s missing from that spot.

Thoughts come flooding in and before we know it, constant reminders that we aren’t good enough & that we will never have what it takes to be good enough consume us. Reminders can come from people around us, from our past. Some of the worst reminders come from the voices in our own head.

Those moments tend to blind side us and we sink into negative behaviors & thoughts. Thoughts that had been positive just minutes ago have died and quickly faded away. When we stay in this place too long we forget who we really are. We forget who God says we are.

Who are you in God? A beautiful song comes to my mind by Hillsong called “Who You Say I Am”. The song says:

“I am chosen
Not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me
Not against me
I am who You say I am”

Ladies, there comes a time in all of our lives that we need to clear away the debris of “dead plants” and discover the other “beautiful flowers” blooming around us. I feel like God is saying in these moments: “When your down, depressed and plain out don’t like yourself, You need to rediscover who you are in me.”

Rediscover who you are in God! Rediscover You!

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