
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Restoration and Awakening

Restoration and Awakening”
That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name.
Psalm 23:3 TPT

I also love this version:

True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction.
Psalm 23:1 MSG

I cant believe 2018 is almost here! Every year as I begin a new year, I try to keep my ears & eyes open to what word or words God might have for me. As I go into 2018 it seems like God has really been impressing on me 2 words, restoration and awakening.

I was wondering how these 2 fit together for me. That was when I came across this quote from Passion Translation:

“PROPHETIC WORD: I will restore your mind and your heart as you come before Me. Crooked things will be made straight within you. For everything I do for you I do inside your heart, healing your spirit and soothing your soul. Come and find My heart and I will restore your heart.
Greater passions will rise within you to feast upon My Word and drink of My Spirit. The hunger I give you will bring you deeper into My grace and My love for you. -Brian Simmons”

Thats how it fits for me. But I also felt God impress upon me this. When God restores, when He brings us back, when He reinstates us, when He abolishes all that is wrong, that is when we can finally awaken. He can revive us and we can rise up to be who He created us to be.

We can not be awakened unless we are restored first. I think of it as an antique piece of furniture. Antique furniture has so much character and they were so beautifully and ornately made. But lots of times because of how old they are they can look worn, they can be missing pieces and/or they can have scratches and dents. They need to be restored to their original beauty.

Any of you that have restored furniture or watched furniture being restored know it’s not an easy job. It takes time and dedication. Their are steps to follow. You have to strip off the old finish, sand down the imperfections and then once that’s all done, you can begin to stain or paint it. But when you stand back and look at your completed masterpiece it is worth the process. It has finally once again become a beautiful antique piece of furniture. It has been awakened & revived to its full potential and beauty.
The owner of the antique table could have left it alone. He didn’t have to take the time to restore it. The item was still serving its purpose. It was still furniture, just a little beat up, a little scarred up! But it hadn’t been living up to its full purpose. It had so much more potential than to just serve its purpose. It had the potential to be beautiful, to shine, to be flawless.

We can be held back so much by our own scars and flaws. And don’t we all have them! Don’t just serve your purpose. Let God revive you & awaken you as we go into 2018.

I want to end this a different way. Ladies, I want to challenge you. I challenge you to take quiet time with God in the next couple days. What words might He have for you in 2018. I would love to hear what your words might be!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Pray Without Ceasing

Pray without ceasing
“Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 TPT
Have any of you prayed for something for so long that after a while your prayers aren’t as earnest as they once were or they have stopped completely for it? In some areas, this is where I seem to be right now. 
Last night I was just honest with God as I was praying. I said to God, just listen, it hurts to keep praying this prayer. Not ever knowing if you will answer me. It seems like I have prayed these prayers for so long and nothing happens. I was just having a conversation with God getting my feelings out. You can go to God like this! I was discouraged, that was when the negative thoughts began filling my mind. Things like, “Why do I keep praying for this.” “It’s never going to happen.” “Why would it happen to me, I don’t deserve it.” Even though some of these thoughts might be true, at least to me. They aren’t true to my Heavenly Father. 
God reminded me of a few things in that moment. He never ceases to amaze me. These were things that I needed reminded of!
1. God is the God of hope. 
“Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!”
Romans 15:13 TPT
2. God cares about me. 
“With your hand of love upon my life, you impart a blessing to me. This is just too wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible! Your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength.”
Psalm 139:5-6 -TPT
3. We should pray without ceasing. 
“Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 TPT
4. Any wrongs we have done in the past have been forgiven. They have been thrown into the sea of forget-fullness. So there is no wrongs being held against me. 
“You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.”
Micah 7:19 NIV
God might not answer some of my prayers my way or in my time frame. But I still need to give thanks to Him! Those are things I can’t focus on. They will only stop me! I need to focus on what God is doing in my life. I need to choose to keep my eyes & thoughts fixed on Him. Why? Because God is the God of hope, God cares for me, I can pray without ceasing and God has forgiven me!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Presentable & Pleasing

“When they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary, his mother, they were overcome. Falling to the ground at his feet they worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure boxes full of gifts and presented him with gold, frank-incense, and myrrh.”
Matthew 2:11 TPT

Sarah and Bryce had been asking us all week when we were going to wrap the Christmas presents. For some reason, they love for us to wrap them early and place them under the tree. 

So, Jason started wrapping them. I came back to the room to see how he was doing. He was almost done, but the pile seemed so small. We had spent the same amount as we had in other years, but compared to last year the stack of gifts was so much smaller. You see things they asked for this year were much more expensive than other years. So even though the same amount was spent as other years. This year everything appeared so much smaller. 

There was just something about that stack appearing so small that bothered me. I knew how much we paid and I wanted it to look better than that.  I came up with an idea to place all the small boxes into bigger boxes and wrap them again! That way they would have to unwrap each present twice.  It also made each present appear bigger than what they really were and filled up the space under the tree. 

I know it was all probably unnecessary, I didn’t need to go to all the extra work. The kids had nice presents and even things they had asked for. But it wasn’t about that. I had a desire to present the gifts in a way that would be pleasing to my children. 

As we were doing all of this it came to my mind. Some of us feel that what we have to offer to God is small or insignificant. But don’t forget, God paid the same amount for the small packages as He did the big ones. You still need to offer them to God. They are still nice things, things that He has asked for. Just because what you have to offer might be small, it doesn’t mean that you didn’t pay alot for it. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot to offer. 

When the wise men offered gifts of gold, frank-incense, and myrrh to Jesus, these items were not large presents. But they still paid a great price for them. When the wise men offered gifts of gold, frank-incense, and myrrh to Jesus, they weren’t left unwrapped or just put in an ordinary box. They presented their gifts in “treasure boxes”. They took great pride in presenting these items to Jesus. 

God wants you to take great pride in what you have to offer Him. Do not be worried that it’s too small or not enough. Package up what you have to offer and make it presentable & pleasing to God. Sometimes what you have to offer is all in the presentation.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Red Balloons

Red Balloons
“So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 TPT
When I look at this picture I can see many different scenarios. Many different feelings. But what sticks out to me tonight is a girl, all alone, running down a road chasing after red balloons.
Why is she chasing after these balloons? Why did she go off by herself. How did she end up on this road all alone? So many questions. 
At one point in so many of our lives, we have found ourselves in this woman’s shoes. She started off on the road with her friends and family. Then slowly she became distracted with the friends and family that were around her and became captivated by this bouquet of red balloons. Once they got caught by the wind and started blowing away she began to follow after them, leaving the side of her family & friends, for just a moment at first. Then she realized that if she wanted to keep up with the balloons and have a chance to catch them that she was going to have to leave her friends and family behind. 
She had chased these balloons so far that her friends and family that cared about her were now gone. She had left them. She had been so captivated and distracted by those balloons that nothing else mattered. 
It brings to my mind these lyrics from Slow Fade by Casting Crowns 
“Be careful little eyes what you see
It's the second glance that ties your hands
As darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow”
This girl saw these pretty red balloons, and chased after it thinking that those balloons would make her happy. But every time she got close to catching the balloon/happiness the wind would catch them and blow them out of her grasp. 
This world will always disappoint us. Things will distract us & try and get our attention. Life will send us chasing after things & people to fulfill us and make us happy. 
Ladies, Family & friends will let us down. This life will leave us feeling lonely and unappreciated at times. But there is only one thing that you can chase after that will take those feelings leave. Not red balloons, But God! A relationship with Him will give you true and lasting happiness. When you chase after Him, He will fill you with joy unspeakable.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Road Closed

Road Closed
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14
Today I had to take my niece to Downtown Columbus for a doctors appointment.  We left the appointment, entered our destination in the GPS and off we went towards home.  We were venturing towards 71 when all of a sudden up ahead, with no warning, there were big barriers and a sign that said ROAD CLOSED - FOLLOW DETOUR. We only had .3 miles to go to get to 71. We were almost there! So we had to turn off. When we turned there were no detour signs.  We had no idea where to go. So we kept venturing till we found 71 signs. We finally made it to the highway.  All I could say was “Thank You Jesus.”
As I was recalling all this in my head. I was thanking God we didn't get lost and that we made it safely to 71. All of a sudden I felt my spirit quicken and  a life lesson was dropped in my lap.  
A lot of us make bad choices in life.  Bad choices that lead us away from God. We think we have gone to far and that there is no turning back, your sin cant be forgiven, not this time.  But oh sweet soul, God will give you signs.  He will put ROAD CLOSED - DETOUR signs in your path.  He will try to stop you and guide you back to His heart. 

Sometimes when you are working your way back to God, there will be confusion and questioning which way to go. But keep following Him. Don't go through the ROAD CLOSED signs and face danger that is unknown.  Take the detour, let God guide you back to His heart.  

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Good Seed

Good Seed

And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened 
in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping 
the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!”
Galatians 6:9 TPT

I was talking with my son the other day.  The topic of seeds came up in the conversation. I was telling him that every seed you plant has different growing information.  Some seeds you need to start inside, some can be started outside.  Some you plant in the spring, some you plant in the summer.  Some you plant in the sun, some you plant in the shade. Some plants mature quickly and others take longer to get to their maturity.  But in the end, they all produce if you follow the instructions.  
If you don't follow the instructions given on the seed packet, it is most likely that the seed will not produce.  On the other had, if you follow the instructions, depending on whether its a flower or a vegetable, it will yield beautiful blooms or vegetables for you to enjoy.  You just have to follow each step.
It is the same with our spiritual journey.  You have been given growth information in The Bible. You need to follow it each step of the way. It will develop you into the person God has called you to be.  If you don’t follow it, you will not become who you are called to be. But if you follow it, oh how you will blossom.  
As we are growing and blossoming, it is so easy to fall in the trap of comparing yourself to other seeds growing around you.  You can find yourself envying how quick others are growing or how much they are producing. You can begin being jealous of the beauty of their blossoms and comparing them to your own. Do not do it! God made you to bloom and grow and come to maturity at His timing, not on your own timing. Follow the instructions you have been given step by step. Keep Going! Enjoy the time, your harvest is sure to come.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Transition Time

Transition Time

So cheer up! Take courage all you who love him.  
Wait for him to break through for you, all who trust in him!”
Psalms 31:24

We were on our way to church one morning, we had music playing in the van and we were just singing away. The song ended and it got real quiet for a short time.  My daughter asked me “Why is it so quiet, did the song stop? When is the next song coming on?” I told her, sometimes the transition time between the songs can take longer.  

Once again, it was just a simple statement, but it struck my heart.  Sarah had thought the music had ended, that it had stopped. But in actuality, a new song was just beginning.  

We all go through times when life can’t get any better.  Everything seems to be going well and we feel great.  Then all of a sudden life collapses. Family emergencies creep up, unexpected illnesses fall on us or a loved one and/or totally unforeseen bills pile up.  The music stop has stopped and everything seems silent.  You beginning asking questions. Where is God? Is He still there? Why is all this happening to me?  

It can be so exhausting and defeating to face these trial and to walk through these times that God seems silent.  Satan wants you to feel like you have been abandoned and forgotten. Truth is, God is working in the silence. You are not alone. He is preparing a new song to be played.  

That is the hope that we have to hold onto. God is working and He won’t fail us. Life has not stopped. God has not stopped. We must go one! We have a choice to make.  Either to fall and lie in what life has “dealt” us, or to rise up and to breakthrough!  Wait for the victory that God has waiting for all of us.  Don’t give up. Ladies, the music has not ended, it has not stopped. Take courage!  This is only a transition time, a new song will be beginning.  

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Instead of I've Got the Power, It's I've Got a Problem

Instead of I’ve Got the Power, It’s I’ve Got a Problem

“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.”
Matthew 5:14 MSG

A lot of us do not live like Christ intended us to live. This world is full of troubles, chaos and stress. But this world is also full of Jesus. When we look at how we live our lives when we encounter problems, how are we living them?

Well, I can say for a lot of people, that we get consumed with the problems of this world. Before we know it, we are living like “I’ve Got a Problem”.  That is when we sink into the problem instead of rising with the power that God has placed in us.  That is not how us as Christians are supposed to live.  We are supposed to be the light to the world. Shining God’s love and glory.  When we live like “I’ve Got a Problem” its turning off the power switch and leaving you in the dark and you are no longer shining God’s love and glory. Its time to live once again like “I’ve Got the Power”. When you encounter something that makes you say “I’ve got a problem”, don't just turn off your power.  Investigate where the source of the problem is coming from and fix it.  Pray, read your Bible, get advise from a christian friend or mentor, seek God. But do not let the power go out of you. Focus on the power not the problem.  

Its time for us to wake up,  rise up out of the problem and into the power. No longer live like “Ive Got a Problem, but live like “I’ve Got the Power”

Friday, December 1, 2017

Destination Unknown

Destination Unknown

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, 
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” 
Proverbs 19:21

The other day my daughter & I picked my Husband up from work to go to lunch.  It was time to decide where we were going to eat, which is always an eventful time. He told me to choose, which was instant dread for me. I told my husband and daughter that “you two need to decide quickly, it’s not safe for me to be driving if I don't know where I’m going.” It was just a conversation between our family. But it hit me when I said it. 

It’s dangerous to be in the drivers seat when you don't know where your destination will be.  Instead of paying attention to driving and arriving safely at your destination, you tend to be confused, distracted and still determining what your destination should even be.  The problem with this is that while you are deciding, you could be totally going the wrong way, you could drive past the place completely and have to turn around, or you could get in an accident because your not paying attention to things going on around you.  All of these things result in not getting to your destination as quick or as safely as you could have.

This applies so much to our spiritual journey. Some of us are in the drivers seat and we don't know what our destination is.  We don't know what our purpose is. We don't know where God wants us to be going or what He wants us to be doing.  So we try to make our own way instead of letting God make our way.  Sometimes when we do that we get lost and/or have accidents, which in turn delays what God has for us. 

What God has for you could just be around the corner! Don’t take a wrong turn, you will either delay or totally miss what He has for you. Or better yet, get out of the drivers seat and let God drive.  Lets not delay or miss out on God’s plans for us.  Seek Him, don't let your destination be unknown.